Heidelberg University is a community, a family, comprised of as many personalities as there are people. With our “5 Things to Know” blog, you’ll get to know some of them. You’ll learn about their Heidelberg experience and other informative, fun – even quirky – anecdotes. Together, they tell the Heidelberg story.
Lexie Page-Boyd was recruited to Heidelberg as a thrower on the track team. But it was the bigger picture that sealed the deal for her. In her senior year, Lexie has thrived as an environmental science major and student-athlete. “Initially it was a track decision, but overall, it was the education. I definitely think I made the right choice,” she says. Balancing a full schedule in and out of the classroom and lab, she’s one of the busiest students you’ll meet.
Same major, four years
“That’s one of the things I’m really proud of,” says Lexie, who chose environmental science because she loves being outside and working in the field. “I love field time … love being outside. “I have a fear of being stuck at a desk,” she jokes. “(Field work) is one thing that we get to do here that other universities don’t. For us, that’s everything.” Although her career focus may have shifted from zoology to aquamarine culture, Heidelberg has been the perfect fit for her. Having the National Center for Water Quality Research as a resource on campus “is pretty nice for an environmental science student.”
Connecting with faculty
Lexie met science faculty members Dr. Amy Berger and Dr. Justin Pruneski during her original campus tour, and that began an awesome advisor/mentor relationship that she truly values today. It didn’t hurt that both she and Justin came from Girard High School in Youngstown. “I love communicating with professors and talking with them,” she says. She also formed a bond with “the Stream Team” – the “awesome group of environmental science seniors” including Austin Nainiger, Anna McNabb and Kylie Smith – who together make class and labs fun.
The busier, the better
She may be a little sleep deprived and stressed, but being super involved on campus suits Lexie. “I need to be doing something or sleeping. There’s no in between,” she says. In addition to a busy course load, she’s currently coordinating upcoming events such as Greek Sing as an officer with the Philalethean Society and Greek Life Council. She’s thankful for Google calendar, which helps her keep track of her crazy schedule. In October, in addition to Homecoming, she’ll also be presenting her research at the Council for Undergraduate Research in Virginia and the Alumni Science Reunion on campus. After that, she’ll be able to breathe a bit.
Healthy shoulder, big goal
The always smiling Lexie has had some competitive success during the indoor and outdoor track seasons her first three years, but she’s looking for a big payoff this year. “I’m so ready for indoor to start. I want to break Madison Haasz’s records,” says Lexie, who earned Academic All-OAC recognition in 2018 and ’19. After recovering from surgery to repair a stretched labrum in her shoulder, she in a great position to make a run in throw events this year. “I couldn’t feel my fingers for a while,” she says. “But I’m finally healthy.”
‘Dead, mostly dead, recently dead or dead dead’
Lexie loves a good movie quote. It doesn’t matter where or when, but repeating some of her favorites provides comic relief. She’s particularly fond of “Despicable Me.” She recalls a field bio lab, examining mussels and classifying them as “dead, mostly dead, recently dead or dead dead,” a takeoff from a Miracle Max quote in “The Princess Bride.” It just makes learning fun.